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Visiting the dentist while pregnant – Dentist Port Melbourne

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Visiting the dentist while pregnant

Managing your teeth is highly important when you’re pregnant – not just for yourself, but for your baby. Oral health can also be impacted by different aspects of pregnancy, so in this blog Bay Street Dental walk you through how to manage your oral health during this beautiful period!

Protecting your unborn baby

Keeping your own teeth and gums healthy during your pregnancy lessens the chance of gum disease, which has the potential to harm your unborn baby by leading to a premature birth or a low weight baby, which can then impact the future health of the child. As pregnancy produces natural hormonal changes in the body, it is possible for gum disease to result.

Gum disease is identified by bleeding, swollen and red gums and bad breath. Gum disease is also very treatable, so make sure you book an appointment with Bay Street Dental if you are experiencing any of these symptoms.

Looking after your oral health also lessens the chance of your baby suffering early childhood tooth decay due to the transfer of decay causing bacteria from mother to child.

Considering morning sickness, vomiting and acid reflux

Morning sickness is common in pregnant women, although the effects on teeth are rarely considered. Morning sickness with vomiting or acid reflux can result in tooth erosion, particularly with frequent morning sickness.

To prevent this from occurring, mothers can rinse their mouth out with a solution made from one teaspoon of baking soda and a cup of water, rinsing and spitting. This solution effectively neutralises the acids and prevents your teeth from eroding. It is also easy to chew a piece of sugar free gum or smearing toothpaste on your teeth with your finger (as the strokes from a toothbrush are capable of damaging softened enamel due to the acid).

Eat well for your baby

Just like you, your baby needs calcium to form strong teeth and bones. To achieve this, it’s important to increase your consumption of foods high in calcium such as dairy and soy alternatives alongside regular healthy foods like fruits, vegetables, grains and lean meats.

Learn more about oral health during pregnancy

If you’d like to learn some more tips and tricks to ensure your teeth and your baby’s health are completely taken care of, get in touch with our team today. Better yet, book an appointment for a check-up!

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