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COVID-19 Policy/Update - Dentist Port Melbourne

See our COVID – 19 Policy | We Open 7 Days Per Week

COVID-19 Policy/Update

With the recent announcement by the Victorian Government, we are pleased to inform our valued patients that dental service has been classified as an essential service, which means, for the time being, we are still open.

As a community, we are facing an unprecedented challenge with the spread of COVID-19. At Bay Street Dental Group we are committed to protecting the health and wellbeing of our patients, our staff and the wider community. We are continuing to provide treatment to our patients and want to reassure you that we have always had the highest level of infection control and have now extended some extra precautionary measures, which includes:

  • Multiple screening of patients prior to their appointment
  • Hourly cleaning and disinfection of reception area and common surfaces
  • Asking patients to use hand sanitizers regularly
  • Scheduling patients to minimise the number of patients in the waiting room and giving the patients the option to wait in their car.

Existing patients:

If you have an upcoming appointment with us, we expect to see you as per schedule. If you have:
  • Traveled overseas in the past month
  • Experiencing symptoms such as loose bowel motion, fever, cough or shortness of breath
  • Or have had contact with a confirmed or suspected case of COVID-19
Please call the clinic 9646-2577 before your appointment so that we can reschedule your appointment or make appropriate arrangements.

New patients:

Please advise us before your appointment if you have: traveled overseas in the past month, are feeling unwell or have had contact with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 case.

Your oral health is important and impacts directly on your overall health and immune system. Please maintain your dental care and appointment with us whilst we continue to have access to essential materials and supplies. Avoid delaying any treatment. Please call us on 9646-2577

We look forward to welcoming you, taking care of you and will continue to update you on any further developments.

  • AHM
  • NIB
  • HBA
  • HBF
  • Frank
  • Medibank
  • Peoplecare
  • TUH

Emergency Care

Get in touch with us today call (03) 9646 2577

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